Recycling drop off will be available on Saturday, August 24, 2013, from 9am to noon at the park next to the Prompton Fire Hall. Visit the Recycling page for more information.
Author Archives: mike
August 2013 Meeting
The regular monthly meeting will be held Friday, August 2, 2013 at 8:00 PM at the Prompton Fire Hall.
Accepting Bids for Church Street Paving Project
Bid Packet- Prompton Boro Paving Project Church St
Sealed proposals will be received by the Borough of Prompton, Wayne County at PO Box 13, Prompton, PA 18456 until 8 PM on Friday, July 5, 2013, for the following project:
PennDOT Description
- 71 tons of Superpave scratch & leveling course (1/2 inch), 9.5 mm, in place
- 212 tons of Superpave wearing course (1 1/2 inch), 9.5 mm, in place
Project is located on Church Street in Prompton. It runs from the intersection with Prompton Road to the markings in the road (about 1175 feet). Required width is 18 feet. Please see map below for general location.
Special Requirements
All bidders are required to meet with at least one borough representative at project location prior to bid submission to discuss key project details. Coordination may be made directly with any member of the road committee: Dan Biondo, Lynn Holl, or Dale Odell. Contact information for these individuals is available by request to
Additional Details
Liquidated damages apply at the rate of $250 per calendar day. Proposals must be upon the forms furnished by the Municipality. The bid must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 10% of the bid, made payable to Prompton Borough. A performance bond or certified check in the amount of 100% of the contract shall be furnished by the successful bidder within 20 days after the contract is awarded. The Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Please refer to the Bid Packet for complete project details and requirements.
Bid Letting
Sealed bids will be opened at the regular July meeting of Prompton Borough Council at 8 PM, Friday, July 5, 2013 at the Prompton Fire Hall. The meeting is open to the public.
Bid Results
- Wayco, Inc.: $20,907.73
- Leeward Construction, Inc.: $21,932.50
- Hanson Aggregates Pennsylvania, LLC: $24,762.50
Councilman Robert Mikulewicz moved to accept the bid of Wayco, Inc. Councilman Allen Heberling seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
July Recycling Drop-Off
Recycling drop off will be available on Saturday, July 27, 2013, from 9am to noon at the park next to the Prompton Fire Hall. Visit the Recycling page for more information.
July 2013 Meeting
The regular monthly meeting will be held Friday, July 5, 2013 at 8:00 PM at the Prompton Fire Hall.
Letter to DEP
Prompton Borough sent a letter to DEP opposing their proposed policy regarding onlot sewage (septic) systems. We discussed the policy in an earlier post and also provided a handy calculator to determine how this policy would affect you as a landowner.
The signed original is available as a PDF: Letter to DEP opposing septic system policy.
We officially oppose the draft policy guidance regarding onlot sewage systems in HQ/EV watersheds. This policy would strip landowner rights for questionable environmental benefits. We strongly urge you to abandon this policy and continue with the existing procedures that have proven more than adequate.
This policy is clearly an overreaction to the decision of the Environmental Hearing Board (EHB) in Pine Creek Valley Watershed Assoc. v. DEP, Docket No. 2009-168-L (November 10, 2011). For a number of reasons, that case is a poor justification for this policy.
In that case, the EHB required the landowners to provide proof that their development would not affect the water quality in any way. The problem is that no such proof exists. There exists no meaningful consensus in the scientific community on the quantitative effectiveness of ANY non-point source control Best Management Practices (BMP).
The only real consensus in the scientific community is that nonpoint source control systems are better than point source discharge systems. Implementing costly and burdensome restrictions on nonpoint source control systems (such as septic tanks) is the wrong approach. It will almost certainly lead to the unintended consequence of proliferation of point source discharge systems (such as sewage authorities). The net effect of this policy could very well be a reduction in water quality.
Another reason the Pine Creek case should not be used as a basis for policy changes is that the decision was not based on the relative merits of the science involved. Both sides presented scientific evidence to support their positions. The judges freely admitted they were not qualified to evaluate the science on its face. Rather, their decision was based almost entirely on the testimony and credibility of the expert witnesses. In fact, the case would have had a different outcome if the Department’s and landowners’ experts had offered an opinion that was more “coherent, cohesive, objective, persuasive, and well grounded in the relevant facts of the case.”
The Pine Creek case did address some of the BMPs proposed in your guidance. Riparian buffers and riparian forest buffers comprise a substantial portion of your Total Protection Factor decision model. However, the EHB was less than convinced of the science that would back up such claims. On page 16 of the board’s decision they wrote,
“There also is no evidence of record to credibly support Sigouin’s assertion that denominating a non-wetland area as ‘riparian buffer’ magically renders it a denitrification zone. We very recently and in great detail upheld the Department’s conclusion that very little denitrification occurs in non-wetland environments.”
Your Total Protection Factor decision model gives the impression that de-nitrification can be modeled in a meaningful, one-size-fits-all way. This is patently false and utterly ridiculous. The EHB actually chides your Department for this approach on page 38 of the board’s decision stating,
“One of the major problems with the Department’s case is its near total reliance on unproven modeling in lieu of field study.”
DEP has limited authority for regulation of nonpoint source control systems. The only explicit authority comes from PA Code §93.4c.(b)(2),
“Nonpoint source control. The Department will assure that cost-effective and reasonable best management practices for nonpoint source control are achieved.”
To meet that standard the BMPs must be both reasonable and cost-effective. We have shown already that the BMPs are of dubious value and hence, unreasonable. The BMPs are also not cost-effective. A landowner with a 2.5 acre lot with a dry creek bed would need to spend $8,500 to $22,000 in additional technology to meet the department’s arbitrary protection factor. While $22,000 may not seem like much money to those in the state capital, it will have an immediate and profound impact on the economy in areas like ours.
We recognize the inherent difficulty in measuring the effectiveness of control measures for nonpoint discharges. It would be nice if such a complex problem could be boiled down to a simple equation, but that is not realistic. The only meaningful and reasonable approach is to evaluate each permit application on its own merits.
Please abandon this misguided policy. It will do more harm than good for both Prompton Borough and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Respectfully submitted,
Stacy Wentzel
Prompton Borough
Dennis Millon
Prompton Borough Council
Governor Tom Corbett
Senator Lisa Baker
Representative Mike Peifer
June 2013 Meeting
The regular monthly meeting will be held Friday, June 7, 2013 at 8:00 PM at the Prompton Fire Hall.
June Recycling Drop-Off
Recycling drop off will be available on Saturday, June 22, 2013, from 9am to noon at the park next to the Prompton Fire Hall. Visit the Recycling page for more information.
DEP Draft Guidance for Onlot Sewage Systems near HQ/EV Waters
As many are already aware, DEP is considering adopting what it refers to as Best Management Practices (BMPs) for approving applications for onlot sewage systems near High Quality/Exceptional Value waters. This policy would affect all of Prompton Borough and most of Wayne County.
The draft guidance is available from the DEP website:
The guidance is long and very technical in nature. We have provided a handy calculator that allows you to check whether the property you own may still be developed if this policy goes into effect.
We encourage all residents to provide feedback to DEP and Governor Corbett prior to the extended comment period deadline of June 3. Respectful comments may be emailed to
Letters may be sent to the following address:
Thomas Starosta
Bureau of Point and Non-Point Source Management
Division of Planning and Permits
P.O. Box 8774
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8774
Fishermen’s Breakfast
The Annual Fishermen’s Breakfast will be held at the Prompton Community United Methodist Church on Saturday, April 13, from 6 AM to 10 AM. Tickets are available at the door for $6 each.